20 February 2025

Chris Kenny tears up over ‘horrific news’ of Bibas family hostages


This cannot fail to devastate every heart that identified with and adopted into their heart these precious Bibas neshamas. Hoping that they are in a warm spot in Shamayim. This is the most identifiable replica of all the other children that are no longer, after October Seven.

Rabbi Wein: Mishpatim


A viable legal system is of necessity composed of two parts. One is the law itself, the rules that govern society and are enforced by the proper designated legal authorities. The other part of the legal system is the moral, transcendental value system that governs human and societal behavior generally. If the legalities and rules are the body - the corpus of the legal system, then the value system and moral imperatives that accompany those rules are the soul and spirit of that legal system. 

In a general sense, we can say that the Written Law represents the body of the legal system while the accompanying Oral Law represents the soul and spirit of Jewish jurisprudence and Jewish societal life and its mores and behavior. The Written Law is interpreted and tempered by the Oral Law that accompanies it, and both of these systems are Divine in origin. 

 And, it is perfectly understandable how, for instance, “an eye for an eye” in Jewish law means the monetary value of the injury must be paid to the victim of that injury but not that the perpetrator’s eye should also be put out as punishment for his behavior. In the Talmud we have many examples of the overriding moral influence of the Oral Law when applied to the seemingly strict literal words of the Written Law. 

The rabbis of the Talmud taught us that there is even a third layer to Jewish law that governs those that wish to be considered righteous in the eyes of man and God and that is the concept of going beyond what the law – even the Oral Law – requires of us. So, when studying this week’s parsha of laws, rules and commandments we must always bear in mind the whole picture of Jewish jurisprudence in its many layers and not be blinded by adopting a purely literal stance on the subject matter being discussed by the Torah in the parsha. 

Throughout the ages, the process of halachic decision-making has been subject to this ability to see the forest and not just the trees, to deal with the actual people involved and not only with the books and precedents available concerning the issue at hand. Every issue is thus debated, argued over, buttressed and sometimes refuted by opposing or supporting sources. Independence of thought and creativity of solutions are the hallmarks of the history of rabbinic responsa on all halachic issues. 

 There are issues that are seemingly decided on the preponderance of soul and spirit over the pure letter of the law. There is the famous responsa of the great Rabbi Chaim Rabinowitz of Volozhin who allowed a woman, whose husband had disappeared, to remarry though the proof of her husband’s death was not literally conclusive. He stated there that he made “an arrangement with my God” that permitted her to remarry. 

 This is but one example of many similar instances strewn throughout rabbinic responsa of the necessary components of spirit and soul that combine with literal precedents that always exist in order to arrive at correct interpretations of the holy and Divine books of law that govern Jewish life. 

 Shabat shalom. 
 Rabbi Berel Wein

Reb Neuberger: Mishpatim




Having recently celebrated TU B’Shevat, I am thinking about trees.


Nature lies dormant in the winter. Then, with the warming of the earth, life returns. It is all a metaphor for the life of Am Yisroel, because – throughout our seemingly endless exile – it sometimes seems as if we are going to disappear, G-d forbid!


But, like the trees in springtime, we revive. That is why our National Genesis occurs at Pesach, in the Season of Spring. “Behold, the winter has passed; the rain is over …. The blossoms have appeared in the Land; the time of singing has arrived and the voice of the dove is heard….” (Shir ha Shirim 2:11-12)


The universe is a vast orchestra, playing Hashem’s symphony. On some level, every aspect of creation is alive. “Praise Hashem from the heavens …. Mountains and hills, fruitful trees and all cedars …. Let them praise the Name of Hashem!” (Tehillim 148) How can mountains, hills and trees praise Hashem if they are not alive? As Chazal tell us, each blade of grass has an angel that says, “Grow!” (Beraishis Rabbah 10:6)


Right now, the Land of Israel – the Land itself! -- is in deep pain. The Galil has been set on fire and those who lovingly tend it are scattered across the Land. But this, my friends, is not the end! No! It is a sign of hope, for our rabbis tell us, “In the generation when the Son of Dovid will come … the Galil will be laid waste … and the people of the border will wander from town to town ….” (Sanhedrin 97a)


All this chaos is a sign of hope!


Recently, a reader wrote me: “I see the present Jewish world even worse than Jewish Europe in the 20s and 30s. It took Hitler y’mach sh’mo to make us realize that we are all Jews. What is it going to take now?”

This, my friends, is a very good question: What indeed is it going to take!


I would like to answer as follows: The problems in the world are indeed overwhelming, bigger than any individual. I believe that one reason such a strong personality as Donald Trump has emerged is so that Hashem can show the world that salvation is far beyond the power of any man. We have created a mess that is beyond our power to repair.


The following is a quote from my book, Worldstorm. “The Divine Presence is hovering over the surface of the waters, but there is no place for G-d in this world …. We are living in a ‘twilight zone’ in which there is no distinction between right and wrong…. Then the world will revert to total chaos. All creation is on the brink of destruction because we have driven the Creator out of His own world! Do you understand what we are doing!  We have un-created the world!  We are back almost to the [chaos which existed at the] beginning.” Mankind is trying to push Hashem out of His own world, trying to undo the process of creation by which G-d brought our universe into existence. And then, just before we drive the world backwards into “tohu vavoho … utter chaos,” conditions will become so intolerable that Hashem will come to rescue His children.


Yes, my friends, I believe that we have reached the point at which we cannot undo the tumah, the chaos, the insanity which mankind has unleashed upon itself. We are dried up! Artificial intelligence is so stupid as to “think” that it can save us! No, my friends, this is where Hashem will step in, as He stepped in to pull His children back from oblivion in Mitzraim.


“In the End of Days, after the Children of Israel have returned to their land, the children of Ishmael and the children of Esau will unite to attack Jerusalem. They will form a world coalition against the tiny nation of Israel. But something will go wrong with their plan. The religious beliefs of the children of Ishmael and the children of Esau will clash, and the two nations will collide and destroy each other. This is what is referred to as the War of Gog and Magog. Following this cataclysmic conflict, the Final Redemption of the Jewish People will occur with the coming of Moshiach ben Dovid.” (Malbim on Yechezkel 32:17, quoted in my book, 2020 Vision)


Here is a quote from the Chofetz Chaim zt”l: “The third and Final War will be different from the first two wars. In World War I and World War II, the Angel of Death was given freedom to harm tzaddikim as well as evil people. …. But that will not be the case in the Third War…. In the war directly before the coming of Moshiach, the Angel of Death will not have power to harm those who cling with all their strength to Hashem and His Torah and who reject the culture of the surrounding nations. Those who stick like glue to Hashem and His Torah will survive and go on to live in the Days of Moshiach! (Heard from Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon zt”l and quoted in my book, Hold On: Surviving the Days Before Moshiach)


Similarly Rabbi Yechezkel Levenstein zt”l, said, “In the final war before the coming of Moshiach, all the Jews who fear Hashem will survive. Hashem will say to them, ‘All those who are removed from the secular, worldly culture … you are Mine!’” (Leket Rishimos, quoted in Redemption Unfolding)


What will it take?


Hashem will save those who are close to Him. May we merit to be among those who see the Days of Moshiach ben Dovid and the Final Redemption!






T’U B’Shevat: The New Year for Trees

Y’mach Sh’mo: May his name be erased

Rav Kook: Mishpatim:

MISHPATIM:  Following Majority Opinion

A story is told about Rabbi Akiva in his early years — a young scholar, yet already wise beyond his age.

Rabban Gamliel, head of the Sanhedrin, hosted a gathering of scholars in Jericho. The guests were served dates, and Rabban Gamliel honored Rabbi Akiva with reciting the brachah achronah, the blessing after eating.

But there was a problem. Rabban Gamliel and the other sages disagreed about which blessing should be said after eating dates. Rabbi Akiva, without hesitation, recited the blessing — in accordance with the opinion of the other rabbis.

Rabban Gamliel was taken aback.“Akiva!” he exclaimed. “When will you stop butting your head into Halachic disagreements?”

With humility, Rabbi Akiva replied, “Master, it is true that you and your colleagues disagree on this matter. But have you not taught us that the Halakhah follows the majority opinion?”

In fact, it is hard to understand Rabban Gamliel’s reaction. What did he expect of Rabbi Akiva? Why was he upset? 

Two Paths: Logic and Consensus

Jewish law offers two ways to resolve disputes. The first is through rigorous analysis — examining sources, weighing arguments, and seeking truth through reason.

But not every dispute can be resolved this way. Sometimes, logic alone does not yield a clear answer. When that happens, we turn to the second method: consensus. We follow the majority opinion — not because the majority is necessarily right, but because unity has a value of its own. Law cannot exist in perpetual uncertainty. If we are to walk a shared path, we must establish a standard, and the most widely held opinion is the logical choice.

Rabban Gamliel was critical of Rabbi Akiva because he thought the young scholar had the audacity to decide the matter himself. Therefore he castigated him, “When will you stop butting your head into these legal disagreements?” In other words, what makes you think you can use your ‘head’ — rely on your own powers of reason — to settle disputes where greater sages disagree?

But Rabbi Akiva had not presumed authority beyond his place. He had not ruled by his own logic but had upheld the principle the Torah itself commands: Acharei rabim lehatot — “Follow the majority” (Exodus 23:2).

Rabbi Akiva understood that wisdom is not only knowing when to lead, but also when to follow.

(Adapted from Ein Eyah vol. II, p. 176 on Berachot 37a)

* * * * * * * *

Mishpatim: Trust in G–D vs. Self-Reliance

The Talmud (Berachot 10b) tells a puzzling story about the righteous king Hezekiah. It is related that the king secreted away the medical books of his day. Why? King Hezekiah felt that the people relied too heavily on the prescriptions described in those texts, and did not pray to G–D to heal them.

Surprisingly, the Sages approved of King Hezekiah’s action. Such an approach would appear to contradict another Talmudic ruling. The Torah says one who injures his neighbor must “provide for his complete healing” (Exodus 21:19). The Talmud (Baba Kama 85a) deducts from here that the Torah granted doctors permission to heal. Even with natural diseases, we do not say, “Since G–D made him ill, it is up to G–D to heal him,” but do our best to heal him.

Which is the correct attitude? Should we rely on doctors and medical books, or place our trust only in G–D and prayer?

There is in fact a larger question at stake. When are we expected to do our utmost to remedy the situation ourselves, and when should we rely on G–D’s help?

Two Forms of Bitachon

Rav Kook explained that there are two forms of bitachon, reliance on G–D. There is the normative level of trust, that G–D will assist us in our efforts to help ourselves. And there is the simple trust in G–D that He will perform a miracle, when appropriate.

Regarding the community as a whole, we find apparent contradictions in the Torah’s expectations. Sometimes we are expected to make every possible effort to succeed, as in the battle of HaAi (Joshua 8). On other occasions, human effort was considered a demonstration of lack of faith, as when G–D instructed Gideon not to send too many soldiers to fight, “Lest Israel should proudly say ‘My own hand saved me'” (Judges 7:2). Why did G–D limit Gideon’s military efforts, but not Joshua’s in the capture of HaAi?

The answer is that the spiritual level of the people determines what level of bitachon is appropriate. When we are able to recognize G–D’s hand in the natural course of events, when we are aware that G–D is the source of our strength and skill — “Remember the Lord your G–D, for it is He Who gives you strength to succeed” (Deut. 8:18) — then G–D is more clearly revealed when He supplies our needs within the framework of the natural world. In this situation, we are expected to utilize all of our energy and knowledge and talents, and recognize divine assistance in our efforts. This reflects the spiritual level of the people in the time of Joshua.

On the other hand, there are times when the people are incapable of seeing G–D’s help in natural events, and they attribute any success solely to their own efforts and skills. They are likely to claim, “My own hand saved me.” In this case, only miraculous intervention will enable the people to recognize G–D’s hand — especially when the Jewish nation was young, miracles were needed to bring them to this awareness.

Educating the People

Consider the methods by which parents provide for their children. When a child is young, the parent feeds the child directly. If the child is very small, the parent will even put the food right in his mouth. As the child grows older, he learns to become more independent and take care of his own needs. Parental care at this stage is more indirect, by supplying him with the wherewithal — the knowledge, skills, and training — to provide for himself. The grown child does not wish to be forever dependent on his parent. He wants to succeed by merit of his own talents and efforts, based on the training and tools that his parents provided him.

So too, when the Jewish people was in its infancy, miracles served to instill a fundamental recognition and trust in G–D. In the time of Gideon, the people’s faith had lapsed, and needed strengthening. Similarly, in the time of King Hezekiah, the king realized that the corrupt reign of Ahaz had caused the people to forget G–D and His Torah. He calculated that the spiritual gain through prayer outweighed the scientific loss due to hiding the medical texts.

But when faith and trust in G–D are strong, it is preferable that we utilize our own energies and talents, and recognize G–D’s hand within the natural universe. The enlightened viewpoint calls out, “Lift up your eyes on high and see: Who created these?” (Isaiah 40:26). So it was when Joshua conquered the city of HaAi. After forty years of constant miracles in the desert, the people were already thoroughly imbued with trust in G–D. It was appropriate that they use their own resources of cunning and courage to ambush the fighters and destroy the city.

What about the future redemption of the Jewish people? It may occur with great miracles, like the redemption from Egypt; or it may begin with natural events, as implied by several statements of the Sages that the redemption will progress gradually. It all depends on the level of our faith in G–D. It is certainly integral to our national pride that we take an active role in rebuilding the House of Israel.

(Gold from the Land of Israel pp. 136-138. Adapted from Ein Eyah vol. I, p. 57)

THE EREV RAV ARE GETTING NERVOUS: Their PLAN is not working, now put PLAN B into action....

 Readiness Squads Clash with Central Command over Plan to Employ 15,000 PA Workers 

SO IMPORTANT FOR THE COMMUNITY (sic!):  Israeli readiness squads were stunned by Central Command Commander Major General Avi Balut’s announcement of his plan to bring an additional 15,000 workers from Judea and Samaria into Israeli territory, concurrent with the release of upwards of a thousand terrorists in hostage deals with Hamas. (don't forget to outfit them with 'utensils')

The Hineni Readiness Squad forum views this move as an extremely serious threat and issued a statement proclaiming: “Instead of safeguarding the borders of the settlements, they are allowing the enemy to enter. While we respect the Major General of the Central Command, this decision is unacceptable. Bringing in thousands of Palestinians, on top of the already existing illegal residents, along with the release of hundreds of terrorists through deals, is a dangerous step. It’s a Trojan horse, a ticking time bomb that could explode at any moment, leading to a catastrophic disaster. This must be stopped.”

The Hineni Forum is a nationwide organization made up of readiness squads and emergency/community resilience teams in Israel. Its members volunteer their time to strengthen both personal and community security, with extensive collaboration between squads across the country. Established right after the October 7 massacre, which highlighted the critical role of readiness squads as the last line of defense against terrorism, the forum’s mission is to unite and support these squads. The forum works to address the squads’ needs, including acquiring equipment and training from security professionals, while also raising donations for essential gear such as bulletproof vests and drones.

“Did we learn nothing from October 7th?” the forum members wondered. “For years, the defense establishment argued that unemployment and economic hardship were drivers of terrorism, yet this theory crumbled before our eyes during the massacres in the Gaza Envelope. We cannot afford to make the same disastrous mistake again. The Central Command Commander’s request to the political echelon for approval to allow another 15,000 workers from Judea and Samaria, alongside the release of terrorists into Israeli territory, is both outrageous and perilous.”

According to the Hineni forum members, this move would severely undermine the readiness and defense capabilities of the readiness squads, which are already grappling with a critical shortage of essential resources and equipment.

“When you factor in the immediate threat posed by thousands of illegal infiltrators and hundreds of terrorists in areas like Jenin, Tulkarm, eastern Jerusalem, and other terrorist strongholds along the seam line, the situation becomes even more perilous,” they said. “These areas are alarmingly close to Israeli communities such as Gan Ner near Jenin, or Nitzanei Oz and Bat Hefer near Tulkarm – just a three to four-minute drive away. Tulkarm also has direct observation of Highway 6, making it a significant strategic threat. Introducing thousands more ‘working’ Palestinians could easily transform them into future terrorist cells, as has been proven time and again.”

“During this critical period, the readiness squads are ramping up their efforts, working to complete recruitment and enlist additional volunteers, while also intensifying training across all sectors. This is a deceptive calm,” the Hineni Forum warned. “At any moment, terrorist organizations could attempt to catch us off guard again.'”

YES, YES, Hire More PA Arab Workers.......

Yes, by all means:  Workers Need Utensils:

hunting knives, switchblades, swords, and other dangerous blades; air rifles/pistols, air-soft rifles/pistols, and b.b. guns (including ammunition therefor); bows, crossbows, and arrows; tasers; martial arts-type weapons; mace or pepper spray; and explosive or flammable materials

Woman, 50, Attacked by Hatchet Wielding Arab in the Old City 

On Wednesday around 10:30 PM, an Arab man armed with an axe arrived at an apartment in Jerusalem’s Old City and attacked the woman living inside. After charging at her and striking her with the weapon, the suspect fled into the alleys of the Old City. The victim, a woman in her 50s, sustained moderate injuries to her upper body and was evacuated to the hospital while conscious for further medical treatment.

The injured woman was transported to Shaare Zedek Hospital, where she stated that she was attacked in her home by a member of a minority. Police have launched an investigation and are exploring all possible leads. 

MDA Spokesperson Zaki Heller reported: At 10:23 PM, MDA’s 101 dispatch center in the Jerusalem district received a report of a woman who had been attacked on Or HaChaim Street in the Old City of Jerusalem. MDA EMTs and paramedics are on the scene, providing medical treatment to a woman around 50 years old, who is in moderate condition, conscious, and suffering from upper body injuries.

MDA Senior EMT Yossi Kasuto reported: “I was dispatched by the MDA control center to my neighbor’s home. Upon arrival, I found a woman around 50 years old, fully conscious, with injuries to her upper body. I provided life-saving medical treatment before transferring her to MDA’s special all-terrain vehicle, which evacuated her through the alleys while treatment continued. She was then handed over to the mobile intensive care unit (MICU) waiting at Zion Gate, where we transported her to the hospital while continuing medical care. Her condition was moderate and stable.”

Readiness Squads Clash with Central Command over Plan to Employ 15,000 PA Workers

Read all about it:

Six new jurisdictional areas established in Judea and Samaria......

First publication: Six new jurisdictional areas established in Judea and Samaria

what mobojumbo is jurisdictional areas established"?

Through the efforts of Minister Smotrich: Over the past week, six new jurisdictional areas have been approved in Judea and Samaria, encompassing nearly 3,000 dunams, which will allow for the advancement of construction of over 6,000 housing units. In the coming weeks, about 15 additional jurisdictional areas will be approved.

First publication: During the past week, six new jurisdictional areas were approved in Judea and Samaria, covering a total of nearly 3,000 dunams, in a way that will enable the advancement of construction of over 6,000 housing units.

This move was implemented after prolonged efforts by Finance Minister and Minister in the Defense Ministry Bezalel Smotrich, Minister Orit Strock, and Yehuda Eliyahu, head of the Settlement Administration.

As part of this initiative, the community of Mevo'ot Yericho will be expanded by 1,427 dunams, allowing for the advancement of construction of thousands of new housing units.

Construction of 330 new housing units will be immediately enabled in the town of Nokdim, while significant expansion of the town of Argaman through the establishment of a new neighborhood will be possible. Additionally, the advancement of commercial and service areas will be enabled in Beit Horon.

This move has dramatic significance for the young settlement. As Arutz Sheva-Israel National News reported this week, the new town of Adorayim in the Hebron Hills was regulated, and the town of Ahiya in the Binyamin region was regulated over an area of 1,138 dunams, enabling the construction of 1,800 new housing units.

The Settlement Administration, under Minister Smotrich and the Central Command, is expected to approve another 15 jurisdictional areas in the coming weeks, a move that will continue to support the development of new communities in Judea and Samaria.

It should be noted that the signing of a jurisdictional area constitutes the first step in the process of advancing new communities and neighborhoods toward future construction and development.

Minister Orit Strock told Arutz Sheva-Israel National News on Tuesday evening, "We promised - we are delivering. The vision of regulating young settlements is being realized before our eyes, with rapid, precise, and professional steps. Years of dragging feet are being replaced by determined action for the residents. We will build our homeland because this land is ours."



no HC mumbojumbo here

High Court rules Arabs are permitted to cultivate land near Carmel, overriding prohibition by military sources for security reasons. Hebron Hills Council Head warns of security risk.

For the first time since October 7th, Arabs have returned to cultivate land only a few meters away from the fence of the village of Carmel, following a High Court decision.

Agricultural work has so far been prohibited by the army, which has ensured that the Arabs keep far away from the community and created a security barrier around the village. The residents of Carmel came to protest and warn of the security danger.

Head of the Hebron Hills Regional Council, Eliram Azoulay, said: "This morning the High Court has taken us back to the policies of October 6th. These days, when hundreds of terrorists are being released to all areas of Judea and Samaria, the High Court is permitting Arabs to work in close proximity to Jewish communities in a way that is detached from reality."

"I support the brigade commander and commander-in-chief in creating security zones around the communities," he said.

He added: "I demand that the Minister of Defense, the Civil Administration and the Command head take immediate and decisive action to remove the security danger from the communities and to launch a comprehensive operation around the villages and roads, to evacuate illegal construction that surrounds the communities, and preserve the security of our residents.”

UN builds an AI coalition....

The UN builds an AI coalition to save the planet

Over 100 partners, including 37 tech companies, 11 countries and 5 international organizations, have joined forces with the UN under the Coalition for Environmentally Sustainable Artificial Intelligence, aiming to ramp up global momentum to place AI on a more environmentally sustainable path. Spearheaded by France, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the new AI Coalition brings together “stakeholders across the AI value chain for dialogue and ambitious collaborative initiatives,” according their press material.

193 countries have adopted a series of non-binding recommendations on the ethical use of AI, but a few of these are troubling because among the 193, some of them are considered the “most dangerous countries in the world” by the International Security Journal; they include countries that face severe human rights violations including Afghanistan (run by the Taliban), Syria (run by an ex-Al Qaeda leader), Yemen (controlled by the Houthis). Will they have an equal say in how AI is built or unbuilt with human biases and ambitions that may not be shared as a value across the board? Read More at Green Prophet

"The UN opens artificial intelligence alliance for the planet. Is it a good idea given UN's biases?"

WHAT IS THE UN? The embodiment of Gog Umagog, with nearly all negative proclamations were taken against ISRAEL. The National Organization for:  eradicating Israel.

Think it impossible? Is this really Good for the Planet? "....globally inclusive governance..."

High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence


ME:  I think it was the Besht who commented that it would be those wearing Black (frum rabbis) that would impede the Geula:

"I heard from my teacher and father-in-law, who was the chief disciple of Rebbe Yechiel Michal of Zlotchov, that once when the Baal Shem Tov was traveling on the road, he stepped into a wooded area to pray the afternoon prayer. His disciples were dumbfounded to see him hitting his head against a tree, crying and screaming. Afterward, they asked him what had happened. He explained that he had seen, with divine inspiration, that in the generations before the coming of the Moshiach there would be a multitude of rabbis, and that they would be the very ones who would impede the redemption. [Otzar Chayim]"

A violent riot ensued on Wednesday in the Mea Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem when a group of extremists attacked the car of Karlin-Stolin Rebbe with teargas as he left his granddaughter's Sheva Brachot celebration.

The incident began when the group of extremists blocked the Grand Rabbi's Chevy on Ezra Street.

The extremists, who accuse the Rabbi of encouraging haredi enlistment in the IDF, chanted insults at him. Members of the Karlin court who were present, including guests from overseas, were infuriated and a violent confrontation ensued. It was a shocking scene," one eyewitness recounted. "A group of extremists just blocked the Rebbe and began to spray teargas at the car. The Hassidim didn't stand by."  

it was a shocking scene," one eyewitness recounted. "A group of extremists just blocked the Rebbe and began to spray teargas at the car. The Hassidim didn't stand by."This is not the first time groups of extremists harassed the Karliner Rebbe. Last Hanukkah, extremists attempted to disrupt an event at the court's central study hall on Avinoam Yellin Street, near the extremists' stronghold

Chris Kenny tears up over ‘horrific news’ of Bibas family hostages

  This cannot fail to devastate every heart that identified with and adopted into their heart these precious Bibas neshamas. Hoping that t...