26 July 2016

Community of Bat Ayin – Trailor and Episode One

Bat Ayin Trailor 
introducing the Series being created

Welcome to the first episode of Bat Ayin, our profile of a unique community in Israel.

The town of Bat Ayin lies in the hills between Jerusalem and Hebron. The population is estimated to be 85% baal teshuva, Jews who weren't born Orthodox but chose that way of life. Many of the residents are artists, farmers, and/or scholars. All of them share a sense of mission: this is their land, and their vision is essential to the future of the Jewish people.

Our goal with this film series is to show a community of Jews that doesn't get a lot of exposure beyond the political. The residents of Bat Ayin challenge many assumptions - about what it means to be Jewish, to settle in Israel, and to inhabit, physically and spiritually, the tension between worlds. In a discussion that is often divisive, we want to show you a human, living, breathing side of this one-of-a-kind place.

In our first installment, we follow Shlomo and Rina Shoshana Vile.. They first visited seven years ago, then returned to Chicago, sold their homes, and moved to Bat Ayin for good. They grow their own food, live in the nature around them, and connect their Jewish observance to the very earth they live on and that sustains them.

Episode Two expected sometime in August – Av 5776

Bat Ayin Ancient Mikvah and Winepress

B"H Bat Ayin of Gush Etzion was the location of an ancient mikvah and wine-press. It is believed that wine destined for the Beit Hamikdash came from this location in Judea, south of Jerusalem. 
Video by Ezra Ridgley וידאו על ידי עזרא רדג'לי

Bay Ayin Yeshiva

The above is part of a Series Arutz Sheva will be featuring and why:

While the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria are widely maligned by much of the international media, some communities in particular are often singled out.

Among them is Bat Ayin, a village of some 200 families nestled in the ancient hills of Judea, between two of the Jewish people's holiest and most historically important cities, Jerusalem and Hevron.

Often cast as a hotbed of extremism - particularly since the uncovering of a Jewish underground cell there who planned revenge attacks against Arabs during the Second Intifada - the community's human side, like that of the "settlers" in general, are rarely portrayed. That's something which Elad Nehorai - better known as founder of the Pop Chassid blog - set out to change, with a remarkable series opening a window into the lives of several families in this unique community.

As those familiar with the wider Gush Etzion area will know, Bat Ayin is a particularly unique place, offering a unique fusion of powerful Jewish identity on the one hand, and a deep - borderline "hippyish" - sense of spirituality and connection with nature. It's a character which comes out particularly strongly in the first episode of "Bat Ayin," released earlier this month, which features Shlomo and Rina Shoshana Vile - two olim from Chicago who sold everything and left for Israel after becoming enchanted with their current hometown.

In a statement posted along with the video, the directors what motivated them to launch the crowd-funded project:
"Our goal with this film series is to show a community of Jews that doesn't get a lot of exposure beyond the political.

"The residents of Bat Ayin challenge many assumptions - about what it means to be Jewish, to settle in Israel, and to inhabit, physically and spiritually, the tension between worlds.

"In a discussion that is often divisive, we want to show you a human, living, breathing side of this one-of-a-kind place."

Midreshet B'erot Bat Ayin Promo

Midreshet B'erot Bat Ayin is a unique seminary in Israel that approaches Torah study from a holistic perspective, combining intensive textual learning with creative arts, holistic health and healing, and working the Land of Israel - all within the framework of Jewish law. Our weekly schedule includes classes in the Bible (Torah, Prophets, Writings), Chassidut, Jewish faith, prayer, Jewish law (halacha), and much more. Hear from our students, alumnae and teachers about our special learning program, and enjoy the breathtaking view that awaits you in Bat Ayin!

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Letter from a Jewis Termite

Those Who Live On The Land
Elad Nehorai interviews a Bat Ayin Resident


Mr. Cohen said...

Israel-Bashing BDS Movement refuted by Alan Dershowitz:

Moriah said...
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GoldieZP said...

very nice - thanks for sharing - certainly a place I would like to visit!

Mr. Cohen said...


Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...