04 August 2014

Elevate Our Nation . . . This is What We Need to do Now

Erdogan, the rabid dog, has the chutzpah to call us genocidal! The world has turned inside out, with evil dancing in the sunshine. This was truly a war of good versus evil and the evil rejoiced in our bending down to destroy them. It served their purpose and demeaned us in the end, even if we were in the right to attack in self-defense. Next time, and if they have their way, we must only defend, in order to allow a greater Hand of HaShem to prevail. That will be a Kiddush HaShem.

We Jews/Israelis must learn to increase our Emuna and Bitachon in HaShem, no longer rely on Obama's regime.

We need to elevate our Nation to increase its level of Kedusha, all that are moved to do so. This is the direction we must ascend. Only the Good will prevail over the Evil. In this way, the light of our Nation will elevate the righteous in the world and turn them from darkness.

We must collectively behave like a Mashiach.

HaShem swore to annihilate Amalek, we must let Him do this.


smb said...

People say the government needs to do.....
While yes the government needs to improve, we can also each do something that will help. It's up to us to work on what we need to improve on. Baruch Hashem we have come along way, lets continue the good work Bezrat Hashem

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