17 March 2013


ISRAEL must ...??

*The World MUST Recognize That All of Biblical Eretz Yisrael Belongs to the Jews!

*The Arab World MUST Recognize the State of Israel as a Nation as Arabs are a Nation!

*The United States of America MUST Recognize That All of Biblical Eretz Yisrael Belongs to the Jews!

Israel Must Recognize Changed Mideast Dynamics

The White House says Israel needs to recognize the role “public opinion” in the Middle East will play in efforts to negotiate peace with the Palestinians. Obama adviser Ben Rhodes said Thursday the pro-democracy Arab Spring movements have changed the political dynamic in the region. He said the peace process no longer will just require Israel to have the support of individual leaders in the region, but the public as well. The most dramatic shift in the region has been in Egypt, which has a peace treaty with Israel. Newly elected leaders from the Muslim Brotherhood party are viewed with suspicion by some Israelis, though the government has vowed to uphold the treaty.

A comment to this from America:

Israel is the only DEMOCRACY in the middle east and the only stable union/country/state whatever you choose to call it. Now is the most crucial time to stay strong and show leadership and courage. Now is the worst time to give in to pressure of "public opinion". Now is the best time to show strength and determination. A leader who gives in to public opinion is NO leader at all. A country who gives in to public opinion has no strength or viability.

 A leader must do what is best for his own country and not what his surrounding enemies want! What an absolutely stupid thing to say!

  • Should South Korea give in to what North Korea dictates? Is that how these two bordering countries work?
  • Does Germany allow Russia to dictate to them how they should run their country?
  • Does Russia care about Public Opinion?
  • For that matter does Saudia Arabia, Jordon or Lebanon?
  • How about the Gaza? Do they care that Public Opinion requires them to get rid of Hamas?
A comment to this from Israel:

What a farce to be forced upon Israel. The hypocrisy of the so-called Jews of America; which of those countries/peoples are living in peace?

Israel Must be Jewish First, Democratic Second

MK David Rotem says Israel must first be a Jewish state and then a democracy. Warns justice system discriminates against Jews in Judea and Samaria

“The State of Israel is a Jewish State whose form of government is democratic,” Rotem said in the June issue of the Israeli legal magazine Praklitim. “I want to keep Israel a Jewish State, and if that contradicts democracy, then democracy comes second, period.”

“Would someone dare celebrate the Fourth of July as a day of mourning in the U.S.?” Rotem asks. “Maybe the Native Americans? I’m willing to bet if they did Guantanamo would be working overtime.”


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