15 January 2012

Today is the Rambam's Yahrtzeit

Want to know Moshiach's job description?

And his qualifications for the job?

Open up Chapter 11 in Rambam's Laws of Kings.

There you will find the ONLY laws ever written about who Moshiach is and what he has to do.

Today, Sunday, the 20th Teves, is the Rambam's yahrtzeit. Please join the Ladies of Crown Heights in a farbrengan about the Laws of Kings.

Call: 605.475.6350

Or go to Greet Moshiach and click on 'Live Class' in upper right corner.


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Rabbis discuss the halachik borders for the Land of Israel

I think some of the Rabbis are part of the 'Sanhedrin' of Jerusalem But its very hard to hear what they are saying and what it might...