16 April 2010

The Obama Blockade

The British White Paper on Palestine

There was one hope: Palestine. In 1917, in the Balfour Declaration, Britain declared its intention to favor the establishment of a Jewish State in the Middle East. What better time than 1939 to make good on that promise and allow Europe’s Jews a haven from the death chamber’s of Auschwitz, Treblinka and the like.

The British, however, reneged on their promise, and, through the White Paper, severely limited Jewish immigration to Palestine. Ships were turned back, their human cargo damned to the smokestacks of the concentration camp crematoria.

That is one of the reasons Israel is so important to Jews. Israel is an insurance policy against the Hitlers and Stalins of this world. This younger generation of Jews may not realize it as much as the older generation, but they are fooling themselves if they think it can’t happen again. There is no “that was then and this is now.” On the contrary, “now” is more like “then” than ever. Europe is fast becoming overrun by Islamic radicalism, and anti-Semitism seethes behind every rock.

If, indeed, it won’t happen “here,” it will be the first time in recorded history that Jews would not have to be ultimately uprooted. Such a belief in Jewish imperviousness to yet another expulsion exceeds the boundaries of optimism, and dives headlong unto a sea of dangerous naiveté and recklessness.

By attempting to halt Israeli building in the Jewish capitol of Jerusalem, Barak Obama is trying to establish his own kind of blockade. The nightmare scenario is one where Jews need to collect on their Israel insurance policy and flee their native land for the land of their forefathers. Let us not kid ourselves, if there is not enough housing and sanitary facilities for the once again refuge-seeking Jews, Israel will have no choice but to limit entrance into the country.

Barak Obama’s blockade will have had terrifying consequences.

Read more by Rabbi Spivak at

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