11 April 2008


It's only TV and the media
That make people think
That the end of our world is coming.

Only 68+ years ago,
They were leading Jews to their death
Like sheep to the slaughter!
No Country, No Army. 60 years ago!

Seven Arab countries declared war
On the small Jewish State,
Only a few hours old!

We were then 650,000 Jews!
Against the rest of the Arab world!
No IDF [Israel Defense Force].
No mighty Air Force,
Just tough people
With nowhere to go.
Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia, attacked all at once.
The country the UN "gave us"
Was 65% desert.
The country started from scratch!

41 years ago! We fought
The three strongest armies in the Middle East,
And wiped them out in six days

We fought against
Different coalitions of Arab countries,
With modern armies,
And masses of Soviet Russian weapons,
And we still won!

We have today
A country,
An army,
A strong Air Force,
A Hi-Tech Economy, exporting millions.

Intel - Microsoft - IBM develop their stuff here.

Our doctors win world prizes for medical developments.

We made the desert flourish,
Selling oranges and vegetables to the world.

Israel has sent its own satellite into Space!
Three satellites all together!
We sit proudly,
With the US, with 250 million people,
With Russia, with 200 million people,
With China, with 1.1 billion people,
With the Europeans -- France, England, Germany, with
350 million people,

The only countries in the world
To shoot something into space!

Israel is today in the world nuclear power family
With the US, Russia, China, India, France, and England.
[We don't admit it, but every one knows...]

To think that only 68+ years ago,
We were led,
With no hope,
To our death!

We crawled out of the burning ashes of Europe,
We won our wars here with less than nothing
We built an "empire" out of nothing.

We celebrate Passover
Let's not forget what the story is all about.
We overcame Pharaoh,
We overcame the Greeks,
We overcame the Romans,
We overcame the Inquisition in Spain,
We overcame the Pogroms in Russia,
We overcame Hitler,
We overcame the Germans,
We overcame the Holocaust,
We overcame the armies of the seven Arab countries,
We overcame Saddam.

Take it easy, folks,
We will overcome
The present enemies too.

No matter which part of human history you try!
Think of it,
For us,
The Jewish people,
Our situation has never been better!
Let's Lift our Heads High,
Let's Remember:
Any nation or culture
That tried to mess around with us
Was destroyed -- while we kept going!

Anyone know where their empire disappeared to?
Alexander of Macedonia?
The Romans?
Does anyone today speak Latin?
The Third Reich?
Anyone heard any news about it lately?

And look at us,
The Nation from the Bible,
From Slavery in Egypt,
We are still here,
Speaking the same language!
Right here, right now.

The Arabs don't know it yet,
But, they will learn that there is [only] one G.d.

As long as we keep our identity,
We are eternal.

So, sorry for not worrying,
Not bitching,
Not crying,
Not being scared.
Things are OK here.
They surely could be better,

But still:
They won't tell you
That there are festivals going on,
That people keep on living,
That people are going out,
That people are seeing friends.

Yes, our morale is low,
So what?
It's only because we weep for our dead
While they worship death.

This is the same reason why,
We will win, after all.

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