17 January 2012

Infighting the Ingathering

Infighting the Ingathering

The Sikrikim, money laundering, violence in the name of tsnius, turf wars, the evoking of WWII images, demeaning the elderly sages, is all together a symptom of a slow internal disintegration ... but only to make way for an increased Ingathering.

The imminent Geula will hopefully bring many Jews back to our homeland from far and distant lands. They may look different and may have differing customs and way of dressing. What will be needed if and when this takes place is tolerance and compassion to enable these remnants of our wandering family to integrate into the larger community of Jews already living here on our Land.

The Sikrikim are a force from the other side who spiritually oppose the completion of the Ingathering begun since the 50's. The ideology of opposing the Geula is a repetition of the Miraglim (leaders) who opposed the newly formed nation of Jews from entering the Land at G-d's invitation.

The repeat of these ancient forces must occur so that all of Am Yisrael in fulfillment of the laws of Teshuva (in the same situation but not doing the same aveira) will be countering this opposing force. This may be the meaning of "all Am Yisrael will do teshuva in the end of days." Of course, the basic Halachos will need to be in effect; but when the neshoma is awakened via the Shechina it will happen out of love and awe.


"During Hanukkah the Belzer Rebbe made a statement (with officials in attendance) against violence, “If there are those among us who believe they will spread the light of Yiddishkheit through violence, they are mistaken.” Rabbi Zalman Teitelbaum, one of the two Satmar rebbes, responded at a fundraising dinner held for his institutions by condemning the Belzer Rebbe's words and endorsing violence, says Ladaat here with a verbal recording of the Belzer Rebbe's words here and Rabbi Zalman's words here.

Interesting Update: The gabbei of Belzer Rebbe, R’ Shimon Wolf Klein and a delegation of ten Belzer dayanim from all over the world paid a visit today to the kever of the Satmar Rebbe, R’ Yoel, zt’l, in Kiryas Joel, and asked for mechila from the Satmar Rebbe in the name of the Belzer Rebbe. Belz/Satmar Reconciliation.

However, this 'gang' and their source of support is being scrutinized by the legal authorities of the State of Israel.

This source of funds is coming from Chutz L'Aretz. But we see that the World's economy is teetering on a precipice of Divine origin. Nothing is coincidence. The financial support of Sikrikim is slowly dwindling, as the greater economy is squeezing people into submission to a socialist lifestyle.

Because of this he American Yidden also will be squeezed slowly into an intolerable position, causing more who are able to flee these constraints. However, new laws enacted by the American Government do not allow Americans to transfer large amounts of funds into a foreign bank account. So what does one do if he sells his home and wants to take the cash with him to Israel, to buy a home? I don't know how this will affect Aliya to Israel, or how this affects tzedaka organizations that send money to Israel? How is it being done?

The following I read on one of the Geula mailings I receive from Rabbi Pinchas Winston Shlit"a: "Someone living in Eretz Yisroel, formerly from the States, wished to transfer his money from US funds into Israeli currency, by purchasing BOI bonds (not Israeli bonds). He was told that he was not eligible to do so, and had President Obama to thank for that - a limitation on his ability to spend US Dollars abroad was new and chilling." For world financial updates visit Zero Hedge. For more on Geula from Rabbi Winston, visit ShaarNun Productions.

Further prodding into the Ingathering.

This tension between Eretz Yisrael and Chutz L'Aretz will continue. The Golus Edom must cease in it's power and the Geula must proceed, so say the Prophets of HaShem. We are and have been witnessing these struggles for many years. There is slow but definitive progress. What was just a topic among few 20 and 10 years ago has now become common knowledge among many, and a daily scruitiny by others. Some are even counting the days. Geula update.

Baruch HaShem


yaak said...

Good post, Neshama.

The good news is that Belz is trying to reconcile their differences with Satmar by asking forgiveness for things done in the past few decades. Perhaps, the incident you mentioned was the catalyst to bring this about. I'm a huge fan of the Belzer Rebbe, and this just shows his gadlut.

Thanks for the link.

Neshama said...

WOW, thanks Yaak. I just also saw that new and added an update.

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