06 July 2024

Rabbi Weissman – The IDF Guinea Pig Who Took 8 Covid Shots

I know of a young Jewish soldier who was forced by the IDF to take 8 covid shots. That is not a typo. Somehow by the grace of G–d he is still alive. I invited him through a mutual connection to tell his story publicly but he declined out of fear.

Of course, fear is why he took all those shots from the Hebrew-speaking Mengeles in the first place.

At some point people have to break out of their fear. They have to fear the consequences of “playing it safe” more than the consequences of playing along and protecting their abusers.

Every day we are seeing pictures of beautiful Jews who were maimed and killed in a pretextual war. They knew something was off about the whole thing, that so many things don't make any sense, but they continued playing along because it was the “safe” thing to do. For the greater good.

It didn't do them any good and it doesn't do the rest of us any good.

The truth is this young man wasn't forced to take 8 covid shots. He was strongly pressured, and when the b-stards who did this to him finally face justice they should be considered as having forced him, but at the end of the day he DID have a choice.

He could have chosen to tell them where to stick the syringes, come what may.

He could have looked them in the eye and told them “Over my dead body”.

I'm not judging him or blaming him. The pressure he faced was extreme, especially for a young man who was indoctrinated in Dati Leumi cultism, serving the state, obeying authority no matter what, and many other false ideals. May G–d watch over him and protect him from whatever sick medical experiment the Hebrew-speaking Mengeles performed on him.

But he had a choice. And so do we all.

It's time we started standing up to pressure and choosing more wisely.

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I highly recommend this week's Torah class, The Gemara On Trusting Expert Doctors, for guidance in making wiser choices.  It's available here.

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Anonymous said...

Dear Neshama,
last week was the two-year anniversary of the tragic passing of our great friend and hero to the world, Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko

Please share, this video. It is his last interview.....
May his memory be a blessing to all of us who new him thru his interviews and articles. Personally, I am infinitely grateful to him for his selfless devotion to human kind. He was able to get his message so early, almost at the beginning of scamdemic. He saved countless lives...... And he never gave up......

I was thinking how would he react to Shmeni Atzeret massacre and all the subsequent revelations of treasonous erev rav, what would he do ? what would he say ? Now he is watching us from Shamaim and he has a much better view and understanding. Please holly neshama of Zev Zelenko plead with HaShem to bring us the long awaited Mashiach. As they are saying in Chabad, "We want Mashiach now !"


Please take the time to watch and share this AMAZING tribute from @OfficialPlandemic that they made shortly after his passing.

Anonymous said...

God bless Rabbi Weissman !
He does not bend or sugar coat truth !
We always have a choice !


Anonymous said...

I felt bad that I missed Dr. Zelenko yortzait
But I just checked that his Hebrew yahrzeit is Sunday, 1 of Tammuz (he passed away June 30 2022). That is why HaShem showed me that article today.
I am going to light a candle for his neshama. Now I'll remember it, 1 Tammuz is easy to remember.


Neshama said...

Victoria, I posted the commemoration to Dr Z

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