03 July 2024

Rabbi Weissman – The Gemara On Trusting Expert Doctors

With the recent upsurge in medical propaganda once again, today's Torah class is especially important. What do Chazal actually say about trusting doctors, even “experts”?

Obviously there is far more to learn than can be covered in a single short class, but the fundamentals are clear and easily applicable to the situation in which we find ourselves. The Torah we learned today is a timeless, divine immunization against the medical murder system.

Funny how the Erev Rav shills missed the wide open sources we studied today...but you shouldn't.

We also learned insights from the Midrash about arguing with “cleverly wicked” people, as well as collective punishment in times of war.

The class is available at

Please learn and share.

*   *   *

With the possible exception of the defunct Soviet Union, the Erev Rav / Amalek State of Israel has committed more atrocities against the Jewish people since the Holocaust than any other state.  

I challenge even the most ardent flag-waving Dati Leumi cultists to dispute this.

This is not an endorsement of surrendering our land and remaining in exile.

It's an endorsement of breaking out of Stockholm Syndrome.

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