09 June 2024

Shalom Pollack – July Star Gazing Tour


Our annual stargazing tour this year will be God willing on Wednesday, July 3 .
This is an optimum night for stargazing , I am told by Moshe, our expert  astronomer.

Delightful  and  entertaining,  Moshe will guide  us through fascinating  worlds beyond ours  with the aid of powerful telescopes.

On our way south to the heart of the  Negev we  will visit Moshav Lachish in the Judean foot hills , ( next to the  imposing , famous  archaeological site, Tel Lachish) where we will visit  the most extensive and beautiful private cactus  gardens in Israel.

Departure will be  at the Inbal Hotel at 2:30 pm
Return will also be to the Inbal Hotel.

You may bring your own food or grab a  bite at one of the fast food stores in the plaza in Mitzpe Ramon.

We will be provided  with mattresses.
You may bring a folding chair if you wish.

Bring a jacket for a possible chilly evening.
We will be  served tea to warm us up and enhance the ambience.

Departure is at the Inbal Hotel at 2:30 pm
Return will be to the Inbal Hotel.

Our driver will drop off people on the way back if it is along his route.

I approximate our return to Yerushalayim between 12:30 and 1:00 am.

Cost: 320 shekels

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Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – Ki Tavo

Parshas Ki Savo: Walking in the Ways of Hashem - Inspiring Awe In the Nations of the World