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29 June 2011

'Rome Burns' While Greece in Uproar

Los Alamos UPDATE

(AP photo)

20,000 barrels of nuclear waste!

"Potential is high for a major calamity if the fire would reach this area"

EPA TESTING THE AIR. The wildfire that surrounds the nuclear lab in Los Alamos, New Mexico, has grown to at least 61,000 acres amid mounting concerns about what might be in the smoke that's visible from space. Such fear has prompted the Environmental Protection Agency to bring in air monitors, along with a special airplane that checks for radiation levels.

MASS EVACUATION 12,000 residents

Flames from the Las Conchas Fire burn (AP photo)

"Residents downwind of a wildfire that is threatening the nation's premier nuclear-weapons laboratory are worried about the potential of a radioactive smoke plume if the flames reach thousands of barrels of waste stored in above-ground tents. "If it gets to this contamination, it's over -- not just for Los Alamos, but for Santa Fe and all of us in between," said Mai Ting, a resident who lives in the valley below the desert mesas that are home to the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

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